For all you non-seafood lovers out there, I believe I’ve come up with a fish recipe that even you may be able to swallow!
Tonight was the first time in my life that I’ve every eaten Grouper and I really do think I may have a new favorite fish now. I’ve had a couple patients mention to me recently that Grouper has a consistency very similar to chicken, so I decided I’d have to try it out. Now, I will say that you can definitely still tell that this is a fish and not poultry, but my patients were right; it truly does have a very chicken-like texture to it once it it is cooked and only a very mild fish flavor.
I didn’t feel like eating a plain piece of fish, so I came up with this recipe for Honey Mustard Grouper. As the fish baked in the oven, the “honey mustard” topping browned on top and it was both appealing to the eyes and the tastebuds. It was super easy to make and went very will with my Garlic Dill Roasted Radishes.
The idea for the radishes came about because I wanted something was sort of hearty and red-skinned potato like to go along with the fish and I just so happened to have a bag of radishes in the fridge that weren’t going to be good to eat too much longer. I figured that dill and garlic usually go pretty well together, so I sprinkled some on and tossed those suckers in the oven. I actually made a double batch of these and am thinking I may try to come up with some sort of Potato-free Potato Salad to take to work for lunch sometime this week.
This very well may be my favorite Oil-Free Recipe creation combo yet. Even if you aren’t a big seafood fan, I’d recommend giving this meal a try!